Welcome to G-GPMW Ltd!

The aim of the Group is to provide access to an interesting aircraft to enable its Members to enjoy flying at a reasonable cost.

The Group's aircraft is located at Coventry Airfield. Coventry has a main runway, R/W 23/05, with a useable length of 1615 m.

The aircraft is a Piper Arrow IV Turbo registration G-GPMW. MW has a full IFR avionics 8.33 Khz compliant fit for both radios, including a Garmin GTN Nav/Com, 2 x Garmin G5, a Mode S Transponder and Sky Echo 2 for Conspicuity and a Garmin 500 autopilot. A dinghy, 4 lifejackets and 3 spare headsets are also available on board. The aircraft was resprayed and the interior refurbished in 2024. At 70% MW cruises at 135 kts IAS with a fuel flow of 12 US galls/hr. The aircraft is hangared in the Airpark hangar to the east of the Midlands Air Museum on Coventry's northern edge.

Members must have a minimum of 100 hours as pilot in command with either complex certificated experience or undertake the required difference training in MW with a suitably qualified instructor. A professional approach to flying is paramount.

The aircraft is owned by G-GPMW Ltd and Members of the Group have no capital interest in the aircraft or the other assets of G-GPMW Ltd.

There is a monthly subscription, payable by standing order on the first day of each month. The membership is on a monthly rolling basis. The monthly subscription includes one tacho hour each month. The cost per tacho hour in excess of the included tacho hours is as stated in the price list in effect at the time and depends on the fuel price for 100LL/Avgas at Coventry, which may or may not change from month to month. Any unused part of the included tacho hours is carried over to the next months subject to the total amount of included tacho hours never exceeding 3 hours at any point in time. No refund will be given for unspent included hours including but not limited to the case of a Member leaving the Group.

The membership subscription includes all hangarage, but not landing and other airfield charges, at Coventry. G-GPMW Ltd are billed by Coventry Airport for each landing and G-GPMW Ltd will pass these charges on to the Member making the landing. All landing, navigation and airfield charges at other airfields are to be paid by the Member. Fuel purchased by a Member will be refunded at the agreed rate applying at the time of purchase. The agreed rate is the fuel price posted by Coventry Airport for a litre of 100LL/Avgas at the beginning of each month plus VAT. Any fuel drawback due will be claimed by G-GPMW Ltd and will accrue to G-GPMW Ltd.

The aircraft is comprehensively insured by G-GPMW Ltd with third party cover of £4.5M. There will be a deductible of £500 on any claim. Payment of the first £500 of any claim will be the responsibility of the Member in charge of the aircraft at the time of the event giving rise to any claim. The limit of the insurance is the limit of any liability against G-GPMW Ltd.

If you would like to join the Group or would like further information, please contact us here.

©2023 G-GPMW Ltd. Registered Office: 6 Corunna Road, Warwick, CV34 5HQ.

Company Number 14657119. Registered in England and Wales.

VAT Registration Number 434 6848 69.